2.1. Materials
Control sample (CWF) contained 100% white wheat flour, type BL
55 (Julia Malom Kft., Kunszallas, Malom, Hungary).
The gluten-free formulations contained: rice flour, used
It can be seen in Fig. 2 that the highest height of bread was
obtained for P2 sample (1% NaCMC), the highest volume for P3
(1% NaCMC) as well as the best crumb structure. The bread samples
volume was compared with the control obtained from wheat flour
but also with a gluten free control. It is known that the quality of
gluten-free bread is, in general, lower than the quality of conventional
bread but the add of NaCMC could improve the volume
which was comparable with the what flour bread. In Fig. 2 the volumes
of the samples are represented as an important indicator of
bread quality.
2.1. MaterialsControl sample (CWF) contained 100% white wheat flour, type BL55 (Julia Malom Kft., Kunszallas, Malom, Hungary).The gluten-free formulations contained: rice flour, usedIt can be seen in Fig. 2 that the highest height of bread wasobtained for P2 sample (1% NaCMC), the highest volume for P3(1% NaCMC) as well as the best crumb structure. The bread samplesvolume was compared with the control obtained from wheat flourbut also with a gluten free control. It is known that the quality ofgluten-free bread is, in general, lower than the quality of conventionalbread but the add of NaCMC could improve the volumewhich was comparable with the what flour bread. In Fig. 2 the volumesof the samples are represented as an important indicator ofbread quality.
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