Jupiter in the sign of Virgo is like a teacher who must himself/herself learn something. He/She must get down from the high horse or from the pulpit, go into the depths of daily life, and seek personal happiness there. He/She may even stop searching, must completely tone down his/her demands and expectations, and be thankful for whatever he/she finds there. Does this relate to you in any way? Are there areas of life in which you are not as modest as the general image that people like to have of Virgos? Or are you now allowed – to the contrary – to finally recognize your own greatness for once? You go through life with much realism, but do you actually also see yourself realistically? How honest are you with yourself? Who would you allow to teach you? Which person would you trust completely?
Partnership / Love:
During the Aries Moon, the previously announced "outrageous" things can happen – even though you would not have thought that were possible. This can occur very quickly. On Wednesday, you will try to grasp what has happened, but it is not really comprehensible. You may have surprised yourself by then and are getting to know yourself from a completely different angle.