Maximum Deadweight- Maximum deadweight is the maximum tare load that can be applied onto a load
cell in addition to the load to be measured.
Safe load limit- Safe load limit is the maximum load that can be applied beyond the rated capacity without
causing any permanent damage. The safe load limit is expressed as a percentage of rated capacity. In our
case safe load limit for selected load cell is 150 % of rated capacity.
Compensated temperature range- Compensated temperature range is the temperature range within which
the rated output and the zero balance are compensated to meet load cell specifications. In our case the
compensated temperature range for selected load cell is -10 to +45 º c
Temperature effect on zero balance- Drifting of the zero balance caused by changes in the ambient
temperature. This value is expressed as a percentage of rated output. In our case temperature effect on
zero balance for selected load cell is < 0.01 ± % of rated load / º c
Temperature effect on Rated output- Drifting of the rated output caused by changes in the ambient
temperature. In our case temperature effect on rated output for selected load cell is < 0.003 ± % of applied
load / º c
Zero Balance- Zero balance is the electrical output generated when a rated excitation voltage is applied
without any load on the cell. It is generally expressed as a percentage of rated output. In our case the zero
balance for selected load cell is < 5 ± % of rated output.