Effects of Carrageenan on the Gelatinization of Salt-Based Surimi Gels
The influence of carrageenan addition on the gelatinization of salt-based surimi gels was investigated by measuring compressive
properties and Hunter color scale values. Hydrocolloid kappa (κ)-carrageenan at 0%, 0.2%, and 1.0% and NaCl (2% w/w), KCl
(1.5% w/w), and a mixture of NaCl (2% w/w) and KCl (1.5% w/w), were added to Alaska pollock surimi. Gel compressive properties
were assessed by measuring the breaking force and gel strength. The gelling property of κ-carrageenan-induced surimi gel was
significantly increased by the incorporation of KCl rather than NaCl. The addition of κ-carrageenan increased the breaking force
and gel strength of surimi gels. Gels with 1% κ-carrageenan and KCl had the highest breaking force and gel strength. The addition
of κ-carrageenan caused an increase in the whiteness values of the surimi gels