Hello Pansy and hello to ALL of my Thai family :)
It makes me very happy to receive your email and photos. Your family is very very important to me and I cherish everyone! I never had a large family nor a very loving one but now I feel that I have one now :)
My parents have long gone, well, my father has, I do not know where my Mother is as she gave me away when I was very young.
Please give your family members my contact information and tell them to Email me so that I can come to know them all. Perhaps being in the USA I can be of some help to them who may be suffering in various ways. If thy ever needed a home, they have one here.
Please pass my photo to them so that they may know me better :) I am honored to have you all as my family and it would be my honor to love and help all of you :)
Slowly I am feeling the Buddha at work and I must disagree with you. Many religions are not very good at all. I found Christianity to be a selfish religion, it is more concerned with converts, preaching a humanitarian doctrine that none of the followers ever adhere to. Gandhi said: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians."
I am hoping to become more involved in this lovely Buddhism and I thank you so very much for helping me to come to know the Buddha better.
Please let my family know that their new family member here in Virginia loves them all very much!
Hugs and kisses for all!
Your "Brother" Steve :)