Babe, i appreciates your kind reply to me as you've introduced yourself to me in a good manner, i know we just met here on social network few days ago, but the way you responds to my messages interest me so much on you. You seems to be a nice and intelligent lady that can handle a very serious relationship. To be honest with you, i have been searching fora lady that will share the rest of her life with me, a woman i will cherish and value as my soul mate but it's not easy at all because of distance and language difference but as a matter of fact, i must tell you the truth that since i came across your profile, my heart keeps asking me of holding you strongly as i must know you and share my reason of been online with you.
Babe, can you agree with me that true love is addicted and your status cannot stop it when you are deeply and truly in love. So please give me a chance to love you as we continue knowing each other here and i believe i will make you a total/complete woman and give you love that you have never experienced before. I promise not disappoint you. As my assignment here is getting to conclusion, i plan how to come and visit you in your country so that we can meet face to face but before i come to meet you, i want to confirm something from you. May you keep this question in your heart to be answered when we meet in real. I know we just meet here but are you ready to spend the rest of you life with me as my love?
My dear, since i saw you in this media i have found something so special in you and i will do anything it will take me to see that i have you in my life as my future life partner if nature permits us, i am really in love with you and i am sorry to sound like this to you but mind you that i am old enough to hide my feelings since we are no longer kids. Since i lost my wife and throughout my stay over here in the middle east, i have never had any woman in my life to feel like a man but i am happy i have finally found a responsible lady who befits my status. Thanks be to God.
Plz may i hear from you soon because i feel relaxed now as i does read your message. Have sweet moments in your daily activities. Hear from you my beloved whom my heart pounds for as i does write you here. My hugs and kisses.