When he had first picked it up,the pigeon had not tried to escape.He felt sure it knew that it belonged to him.
'Take it to Jimmie Telfer, Ella had said He keeps pigeons. He'll know how to take care of it.
No,Jan had said 'No,it belongs to me. I am not taking it to any other person.
But you can't keep it in the house! Ella said Then she laughed a little. Och,have it your own way.But please,keep it in the sculluery.
She was a kind, generous woman. When he had first gone to work and brough home his pay packet, He had put all the money into her hands, as he had done at home. But her brothers had laughed at him, so he had stopped. But he still wanted to give her all of it. She was like a mother to him.
When he had first picked it up,the pigeon had not tried to escape.He felt sure it knew that it belonged to him.'Take it to Jimmie Telfer, Ella had said He keeps pigeons. He'll know how to take care of it.No,Jan had said 'No,it belongs to me. I am not taking it to any other person.But you can't keep it in the house! Ella said Then she laughed a little. Och,have it your own way.But please,keep it in the sculluery.She was a kind, generous woman. When he had first gone to work and brough home his pay packet, He had put all the money into her hands, as he had done at home. But her brothers had laughed at him, so he had stopped. But he still wanted to give her all of it. She was like a mother to him.
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