As more women enter the workplace, their biological (bearing children) and tradition roles (raising managers spend in helping their employees cope with non-work issues. As mentioned above, the employment act in Singapore provides maternity benefits to all female employees covered by the act. Under this act, qualified female employees (who have worked for at least 3 months) regardless of nationality and marital status enjoy 8 weeks of paid maternity leave per confinement (delivery) for giving birth to the first two children. Both the mother and the father (if they have worked for at least three months) are each entitled to two days of paid leave per year if they have at least one
- describe any problems you would have reaching the top of a six-foot filing cabinet.
-What did your prior job duties consist of, and which ones were the most challenging?
To move the injured repair worker to a purchasing inventory job inside so that climbing and lifting are unnecessary. However, the problem for employers is what to do with the next worker who develops problems if an alternative job is not available. Even if the accommodations are just one employee, the reactions of co-worker must be considered.
Individuals with Mental Disabilities
Individuals with a history of paranoid schizophrenia and clinical depression may be able to perform their job duties. Employers should not discriminate against them based simply on their medical history. To the extent that they cannot do their work because of their illnesses, it may be reasonable for employers to terminate their service contract based on medical grounds. At times, employees may also claim that job stress has affected their work and private life. Regardless of the type of employees’ claims, it is important that employers respond properly by obtaining medical verifications for claims of mental illnesses and considering accommodation requests for mental disabilities in the same manner as accommodation requests for physical disabilities.
Individuals with life-threatening illnesses
In the U.S., employers are prohibited from discriminating against people suffering from life-threatening illnesses, such as leukemia, cancer or aids under the Americans with Disabilities Act. People with such illnesses may intend to return to work after a successful treatment. In Singapore, a reasonable response from the employer would probably inclide156