This is Big FAMOUS GemS stone NAGA EYE AMULET , this is a Real NAGA EYE Gem Stone. It is noblest and elegance item. it is very beautiful and item is more bright that the picture. These stones will look superb and chance to addition to any gem collection or for make jewellery . This items occurs in bands of Nice colours NAGA EYE Stone, and very smooth edge and top, and oval flat back with nice sparkle. NAGA EYE is a nature stone and is one of the gem stones that used in temple for made an amulet. Naga eye is found in many river floor bottom, but the most prized Naga eye are in deep caves of the 'Mekhong river' which passThailand, Burma, and Laos. It is very rare, high quality, value Buddha and very excellent item for your collection.In Thailand some people to have faith in this Naga stone can bring lucky for owner. It is the best items for amulet collecter. Because you will having good health and have a mystical powers, the gem stone is believed to banish fear or evil, depression, reduce fever and is believed to be excellent for eyes or vision. If you want more information or have question , please email to us. I will answer any question you might have to the best of my ability. Check my feedback and you will see I make every effort to please my customers.
GemS nto moo loj zeb NAGA qhov muag AMULET li no, qhov no yog ib lub pov haum pob zeb ntawm NAGA qhov muag tiag tiag. Nws yog noblest thiab elegance yam khoom. yog nws zoo nkauj heev thiab yog kaj lug ntau yam khoom uas tus duab. Cov pob zeb no yuav ua rau koj superb thiab sij hawm mus ntxiv kom muaj cov sau lub pov haum los rau tsim jewellery. Cov khoom no muaj tshwm sim bands ntawm zoo colours NAGA muag pob zeb, thiab ntug yaig heev thiab saum toj, thiab dawb ca sab nraud nrog rau txim taws zoo. NAGA qhov muag yog ib cov pob zeb xwm thiab yog ib lub zeb lub pov haum uas siv nyob rau hauv lub tuam tsev rau txim ib amulet. Naga qhov muag nyob hauv cov dej pem teb hauv qab, tiam sis feem ntau prized Naga muag nyob rau hauv tej qhov tsua 'Mekhong dej' nqus twg passThailand, Burma thiab teb chaws los tsuas. Nws yuav tsis tshua muaj heev, siab zoo, tus hauj sam thiab yam khoom zoo heev rau koj sau.Nyob rau Thaib teb ib co neeg muaj txoj kev ntseeg nyob hauv no lub pob zeb Naga tau coj muaj hmoo rau tus tswv tsev. Nws yog ib yam zoo rau amulet collecter. Vim hais tias koj yuav muaj kev kaj huv thiab muaj ib cov mystical powers, zeb lub pov haum yog ntseeg kom banish ntshai los yog kev phem, kev nyuaj siab, kom tsis txhob kub taub hau thiab ntseeg tau tias yuav zoo rau ob lub qhov muag tsis pom kev. Yog koj xav paub ntxiv los yog muaj lus nug, thov email rau peb. Kuv yuav teb tej lus nug uas tej zaum koj muaj raws li kuv muaj peev xwm. • Ntsuam kuv lub tswv yim thiab koj yuav pom kuv mob siab los mus thov kuv cov neeg muas zaub.
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