5. Conclusion
Based on previous studies on leaf litter anuran assemblages, several environmental factors have been shown to influence anuran species distribution and activity levels, however, the relative importance of each factor may vary from site to site and throughout the year. Such variation, combined with sampling bias, can produce even more different outcomes among studies. Our study showed an important relationship among humidity and anuran capture rates, what may be more an effect of anuran movement patterns than abundance itself. Separating the effects of abundance per se and activity levels on capture rates is important to understand the underlying mechanisms that shape leaf litter anuran assemblages and to compare different areas. Besides, species with different needs are frequently pooled and analyzed together, masking possible patterns. Studies on leaf litter anuran communities encompassing large geographical and temporal scales and combining different sampling methods would be interesting to separate local, from regional, from temporal variation and then identify whether there are factors that assume a greater importance at any of these scales.