Objective: To isolate, evaluate and characterize potential antibiotic producing from water and sediments of Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Methods: A total of 31 strains of aaccttiinnoommyycceetteess swcerreee nisionlga.t eIdn atnhde tpersitmeda rayg sacinreste nGirnagm, 1p1o spirtiovme iasinndg Gisraomla tnees gwateirvee ibdaecntetirfiiaeld s tarnadin ss ubbyj epcrtiemda rtyo bsoiolimd asstsa twe aasn edx struabcmteedr gbeyd osrtgaaten ifce rsmolevnetnatt ieoxnt rmacettihoond ms teot hpordo dauncde tcersutedde aegxatrinacstt sb. aTchtee rfiearl msternatiends pbhy ydsiisocl oagnidca al gaanr dw eblilo cdhifefumsiicoanl mmeetthhooddss. .T Rhee siusoltlas:te Ts hwee rree scuhlta roabcttaeirnizeedd fbroym u saignagr m woerlpl hdoilfofugisciaoln, amgeatihnosdt wGaras mb epttoesri ttihvaen bdaicscte driiaff utshiaonn Gmreatmho dn.e Tghatei vcer ubdaec etexrtiraa.c tO snheo-wweady h aignhaelry siinsh iobfi tvioanri aznoncee cmoinnfiimrmuemd imnohsibt iotfo rthye c cornucdeen terxattriaocnt sa wnder em sintaitmisutimca lblya cstiegrnicifiidcaaln tc oatn c95e%nt rcaotniofind eonfc cer uindtee revxalt.r aTchtes wmeLr ea g1a.6in5s mt Eg/smchLe raicnhdi a3 .c3o0l im rge/smpeLc atigvaeilnys. tT Shtea pghroywlotcho occf uase raiualr eaunsd, asnudb s1t.r8a4te m mgy/mceLl iuanmd v3a.r8i0e dm ign/ sduifrfveirveen ta tc u5lture media used. Most of the isolates were able to hydrolysis starch and urea; able to % concentration of sodium chloride; optimum temperature for their growth was 30 °C. Conclusions: The results of the present study revealed that freshwater actinomycetes