My Favourite Book Essay in English
My Favourite Book Essay, Books are really a superb source of knowledge. They soothe us in sorrows and solace us in sadness. They are an invaluable asset for humans. They prove to be sincere companions in solitude and seclusion. Our character building depends mainly upon the right selection books. Therefore, we should be very cautious in the selection of books. As good books leave good impact upon should, bad books may mar our character. Therefore, we should shun bad books from our life.
I have read several books. Though I like many books but my favourite book is the Holy Quraan. The Holy Qraan is the last Script of Allah. It was revealed on last Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) approximately fifteen centuries ago. Since then it is intact and unharmed. None can alter or change even a verse of it. God Himself undertook the task o f its safety and security. It is the miracle of Quraan that Muslim can learn and remember it easily. Every Muslim in the world recites it daily. Millions of Muslims remember it correctly and distinctively.
It contains mere truths and realities. It is a complete code of life. It is an ultimate source of guidance and instructions. Its teachings are evergreen and eternal. It gives information and instructions about every sphere of life. It gives an exhaustive commentary on religion, ethics, politics, science, philosophy, logic, psychology, economics and nature. Every aspect of life has been discussed in it. It highlights all branches of knowledge. It urges man to ponder over nature and discover new and novel laws of the universe.
The Holy Quraan is a message of peace and amity. It teaches parity, justice, honesty, truthfulness and piety. It lays concrete foundations for a civilized and cultured society. It ends discrimination on the basis of case, colour of family. It preaches that all men are equal. They are offspring of Adam. The honored and successful are those who are virtuous and honest.
An exhaustive discussion on belief, worship, business and morality is the subject matter of the Holy Quraan. The stories of various prophets of Allah have also been discussed in detail.
I daily recite it early in the morning. It leaves a tremendous impact upon my sol. It purifies my thoughts and spiritualizes my soul. As a result I have shunned all vices and wicked deeds from my dealings. I have revised my life altogether. I also do penance for my previous evil deeds. May Allay take pity on me and forgive my sins! May He also grant me power to fight against the prevailing evils!