The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES þ T) scale evaluates the student
nurses' perception of the learning environment and supervision within the clinical placement. It has
never been tested in a replication study. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the test-retest
reliability of the CLES þ T scale. The CLES þ T scale was administered twice to a group of 42 student
nurses, with a one-week interval. Test-retest reliability was determined by calculations of Intraclass
Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) and weighted Kappa coefficients. Standard Error of Measurements (SEM)
and Smallest Detectable Difference (SDD) determined the precision of individual scores. BlandeAltman
plots were created for analyses of systematic differences between the test occasions. The results of the
study showed that the stability over time was good to excellent (ICC 0.88e0.96) in the sub-dimensions
“Supervisory relationship”, “Pedagogical atmosphere on the ward” and “Role of the nurse teacher”.
Measurements of “Premises of nursing on the ward” and “Leadership style of the manager” had lower but
still acceptable stability (ICC 0.70e0.75). No systematic differences occurred between the test occasions.
This study supports the usefulness of the CLES þ T scale as a reliable measure of the student nurses’
perception of the learning environment within the clinical placement at a hospital.