2.1.1. The persistence premise
Culturalists emphasize the divergence and persistence of traditional values despite economic, organizational and changes. As stressed by authors such as Schuman and Scott (1989), generations have collective memories acquired during adolescence and youth, and such memories persist throughout their life cycle. These collective memorise are hard to change and are also relatively independent of economic conditions (DiMaggio, 1994) and organizational practices (Hofstede, 1983)
Drawing on these arguments, culturalism predicts that convergence around some set of “modern” practices and values is ineffective and that, even when economic and practices will continue to exert their independent influence upon local usages. This prediction is not without empirical support. For example, longitudinal analysis of the World Values do change, they also show the cultural heritage of a particular society. And this is so because despite facing different economic conditions and institutional pressures, those countries with a similar cultural heritage (e.g., Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, English-Speaking), continue to cluster around similar value systems.
2.1.1. The persistence premiseCulturalists emphasize the divergence and persistence of traditional values despite economic, organizational and changes. As stressed by authors such as Schuman and Scott (1989), generations have collective memories acquired during adolescence and youth, and such memories persist throughout their life cycle. These collective memorise are hard to change and are also relatively independent of economic conditions (DiMaggio, 1994) and organizational practices (Hofstede, 1983)Drawing on these arguments, culturalism predicts that convergence around some set of “modern” practices and values is ineffective and that, even when economic and practices will continue to exert their independent influence upon local usages. This prediction is not without empirical support. For example, longitudinal analysis of the World Values do change, they also show the cultural heritage of a particular society. And this is so because despite facing different economic conditions and institutional pressures, those countries with a similar cultural heritage (e.g., Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, English-Speaking), continue to cluster around similar value systems.
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