Neutra used as basic materials stone, glass and steel, and tended not to depart from the range of colors than the desert offered, so that the house does not desentonase of their natural environment. Moreover, the presence of patios and porches in the housing connects the interior and exterior, so that the desert seems to be taking part in the same building.
• Stone
The natural stone from Utah who Neutra used in the exterior and interior creates a vivid chiaroscuro effect that is difference in the smoothness in other finishes. However, the stone is carefully chiseled, both in the original house, for which Neutra trained masons who had worked in Falling Water, who had come Kaufmann, as in the restoration carried out by the new owners by mid in the 90s and lasted five years.
• Aluminum
The main outdoor rooms are enclosed by a vertical aluminum fins that offer flexible protection against sandstorms and intense heat. This is repeated at the roundabout from the second floor.
• Glass
The walls are made almost entirely with sliding windows. Although both have unprotected glass in the southern part of a home located in the middle of the desert seems crazy, this is because the house was to be used only one month per year, in January.
• Steel
Support for windows that slide into the garden outline the house giving her silvery appearance.
• Gutters
In the gutters of Southern highlights a beautiful detail. At its eastern end, the narrow strips are continuing a stretch, so that the excess rainwater can flow to the east and dropped onto the rocks. The gargoyles are an architectural element known in Japanese gardens as in medieval cathedrals. Neutra and the modernization became a "leap of water" that is a tribute to the distant Falling Water House Bear Run.
It has also been used concrete and wood
Neutra used as basic materials stone, glass and steel, and tended not to depart from the range of colors than the desert offered, so that the house does not desentonase of their natural environment. Moreover, the presence of patios and porches in the housing connects the interior and exterior, so that the desert seems to be taking part in the same building.• StoneThe natural stone from Utah who Neutra used in the exterior and interior creates a vivid chiaroscuro effect that is difference in the smoothness in other finishes. However, the stone is carefully chiseled, both in the original house, for which Neutra trained masons who had worked in Falling Water, who had come Kaufmann, as in the restoration carried out by the new owners by mid in the 90s and lasted five years.• AluminumThe main outdoor rooms are enclosed by a vertical aluminum fins that offer flexible protection against sandstorms and intense heat. This is repeated at the roundabout from the second floor.• GlassThe walls are made almost entirely with sliding windows. Although both have unprotected glass in the southern part of a home located in the middle of the desert seems crazy, this is because the house was to be used only one month per year, in January.• SteelSupport for windows that slide into the garden outline the house giving her silvery appearance.• Guttersในตัวเย็บกระดาษของภาคใต้เน้นรายละเอียดสวยงาม ที่สุดของภาคตะวันออก แถบแคบได้ทำการยืด เพื่อให้แบบสายฝนส่วนเกินสามารถไหลไปทิศตะวันออก และปล่อยลงบนหิน Gargoyles เป็นที่รู้จักกันในสวนญี่ปุ่นในยุคกลางวิหารองค์ประกอบสถาปัตยกรรม Neutra และนวัตกรรมกลายเป็น การ "กระโดดน้ำ" คือส่วยไปไกลตกน้ำบ้านหมีเรียกใช้มันยังถูกใช้คอนกรีต และไม้
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