Give these instructions:
Tell them that this is group competition and that you will give the instruction for groups to line up in a particular way. Your group should get in a line as quickly as possible.
When your group is lined up appropriately all group members should clap to indicate they have completed the task.
Conduct a practice round.
Tell them to line up-by height and to clap when they're finished.
Begin the activity. After each line-up, determine which group clapped first and then announce them as the winner of the round.
Line Up Activity Sheet Questions for the Leader
8. Line up in order alphabetically by first name.
9. Line up in order alphabetically by last name.
11. Line up in order by hair length, longest to shortest.
Line up in order by height, shortest first
Shoe size
Give one point to the first successful team and start the next round using different criteria
When a team finishes, the person at the front of the line puts their hand up and you walk down the line checking that they are indeed in the correct order.