Accessibility of the music is easily attained through websites as compared to accessing the market to buy for albums or music of a certain artist. The embracement of technology is high in the society and thus controlling some of the sites would lead to the creation of others. Moreover, not in all countries that illegalize downloading of music thus controlling in one country does not define the rules of another country. In this case, there should exist a platform that should be generated to ensure all the downloaded music is controlled to ensure the musicians earn revenue through download. Additionally, musicians do not lose more through downloading as compared to what their label company earns. In this case, their fans should not be limited to enjoy the music through illegalizing the downloading of music. The musicians should uphold the downloading of music but define other ways to compensate the money that could have earned through downloading (Cunningham & Harney, 2012). In this case, the artist will be in a position to create a fan base that is instrumental in other activities such as shows that artists attend. Shows enables artists to earn more and experience more exposure to fans. However, the popularity and strong fan base of an artist determines the attendance of the show and thus capitalizing on advertisement and production of quality music that fans can access the internet remain vital. Musicians are focusing on the global fan base, but the limitation of accessing the music of a certain person limits the growth of the musician since the social media and the internet through the various downloading website enables the musician to communicate with his fans internationally. The accomplishment of the musicians in the industry revolves around the music that they produce. In this case, the incapability of the media to orient all the music of the musician to the fans internet and to download remains the most significant platform that a fan can access the music.