Responsive evaluation offers a perspective in which
evaluation is reframed from the assessment of program
interventions on the basis of policymakers’ goals to an
engagement with all stakeholders about the value and
meaning of their practice. This article argues for this
perspective both generally and more particularly in relation
to health promotion. Responsive evaluation is especially
appropriate in health promotion contexts characterized by
a high degree of ambiguity. Ambiguity refers to the absence
of or contradictory interpretations about what needs to, can
and should be done, when and where. Ambiguity is high
in the case of non-routine programs, lack of knowledge
about success indicators, collaborative and communitybased
programs and the absence of consensus among
stakeholders. In health promotion contexts marked by a
low degree of ambiguity random controlled trials
(RCTs) and quantitative methods are to be considered.
This implies the evaluators should assess the degree of
ambiguity of a situation before deciding about an
appropriate design.