Status quo thinking is routine. Fluid intelligence transcends the ‘frozen’ contexts. Invocation of fluid intelligence
for unfreezing contexts, processing information into knowledge and insightful practical wisdom across contexts is
part and parcel of reflection metacognition and active blended learning with the use of online discussing and
multimedia presentations of different perspectives. Unfreezing the given status quo schema of conflict began with a
negotiation of interests and values, escalating to a consideration of rights, and culminating in the resolution of issues
of power which were found to be positive, resulting in win-win outcomes for all parties. ‘Etic’ and ‘emic’
perspectives i.e., within the culture and neutral stances were exchanged by syndicated learners in stakeholder role
analysis. Similarly, other stakeholders were identified and their roles scoped, for example, the logging company and
its employees, shareholders, the state government, environmental activists, and sustainability conscious consumers