It has been observed from Table 2 that for all the variables of safety and security in India as well as in Singapore no significance difference has been found in the perception of male and female foreign tourists. Hence our null hypothesis Ho2 and Ho3 stand accepted which implies that the perception of both male and female foreign tourists regarding the safety and security issue of tourism in India and Singapore is the same. Now we move further to check whether there is a significant difference in the perception of foreign tourists belonging to different age groups regarding the safety and security attribute of tourism in India and Singapore. It will lead to testing the fourth and fifth null hypothesis Ho4 and Ho5. These hypotheses have been tested using one way ANOVA, the results of which are shown in Table 3.
The data presented in Table 3 conveys that for all the variables of the attribute of safety and security of Indian tourism the perception of foreign tourists belonging to different age groups is found to be same. Thus null hypothesis HO4 stands accepted conveying the idea that there is no significant difference in the perception of foreign tourists of different age groups regarding the safety and security issue of Indian tourism. However the application of ANOVA to test the null hypothesis HO5 reveals that this hypothesis stand to be accepted in case of all the variables of the attribute of safety and security of Singapore tourism except the variables of handling of tourist grievances and discipline. The results disclose that the perception of foreign tourists belonging to different age groups regarding the variables of handling of tourist grievances and discipline in Singapore has been found to be significantly different whereas for rest of the variables of the issue of safety and security of Singapore no significant difference has been found in the perception of foreign tourists of different age groups.