Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) belongs to Cucarbitaceae family;
it is one of the most important cash crops, especially, in newly
reclaimed areas of Egypt. Squash is rich in carbohydrates and amino
acids as well as they contain many minerals beneficial to humans.
The total area cultivated to this crop was estimated at 40,000 ha in
2007 with annual yield production of 1 million t (Egyptian Ministry
of Agriculture, 2007).Squash is an important commercial crop that
has gained popularity for both open-field and greenhouse in the
Mediterranean region (Amer, 2011; Rouphael and Colla, 2005). In
recent years the available amount of water to agriculture is declining
worldwide because the rapid population growth and the greater incidence of drought caused by climate change and different human
activities (World Bank, 2006).
Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) belongs to Cucarbitaceae family;it is one of the most important cash crops, especially, in newlyreclaimed areas of Egypt. Squash is rich in carbohydrates and aminoacids as well as they contain many minerals beneficial to humans.The total area cultivated to this crop was estimated at 40,000 ha in2007 with annual yield production of 1 million t (Egyptian Ministryof Agriculture, 2007).Squash is an important commercial crop thathas gained popularity for both open-field and greenhouse in theMediterranean region (Amer, 2011; Rouphael and Colla, 2005). Inrecent years the available amount of water to agriculture is decliningworldwide because the rapid population growth and the greater incidence of drought caused by climate change and different humanactivities (World Bank, 2006).
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