In the next of our series on Far Eastern plant we look at Guava or Psidium guajava. In folk medicine, extracts of roots, bark, and leaves are used to treat gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, toothache, coughs, sore throat, inflamed gums, and a number of other conditions (Morton 1987). This plant seemed worthy of an in depth review.
"Guava leaves extract as main ingredient in making Herbal Soap for washing wounds" Introduction:
Background of the Study:
Nowadays, people have using different herbal soap that are expensive and less effective. The researcher aims to make an effective and cheaper herbal soap. Like guava leaves , it contains both major antioxidant pigments, carotene and poly phenols giving them high dietary antioxidant value among plant foods. Guava leaves has a benefits in making herbal soap because it has that properties that can make the skin look good and protects the