The research was conducted in two stages. In the first one, we analyzed
the teacher’s diary corresponding to the development of the before
mentioned two didactic units where cooperative learning was
implemented: “rope jumping together” and “acrobatic gymnastics”. This
information was supplemented by analyzing the syllabus, assessment
tools, qualifications records, student worksheets and notes, thoughts,
and statements collected from various student notebooks that caught the
teacher’s attention. We also analyzed the diaries of four outside
observers (two student teachers who were in their training time and two
P.E. teachers) who observed the classroom during the didactic units and
who carried out fourteen individual interviews that were made to
different students during the unit “rope jumping together”.
At the second stage of the investigation, we interviewed five former
students, 3 boys and 2 girls, individually and in a semi-structured way.
Each of them had finished Primary Education in a different year
throughout the last five consecutive years. In addition, a group interview
with 5 former student, 2 boys and 3 girls, who had left school two years
ago in order to start Secondary Education, was also conducted.
Accessibility to families was the criteria for the selection of students. In
all cases the procedure was the same: first, the parents were informed
about what we wanted to investigate; then, their availability was
considered; we asked them to discuss the process with their son or
daughter or to allow us to do it. Once the student showed willingness to
participate in this research, we set a place, date and time for the