The immoderate consumption of non-renewable energy, together with the fact that large urban areas, has greatly resulted in environmental deterioration and public health problems, has led to find a new renewable energy [1, 2]. Converting a renewable non-fossil carbon, such as energy crops and lignocellulosic residues (plants, grasses, fruit wastes and algae) to fuel would assure a continual energy
supply [3]. Lignocellulosic material is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth and its annual production is estimated at approximately 50 billion tons [4]. Ethanol and hydrogen can be produced by microbial fermentations from such biomass [5]. However, the economics of biofuel production by fermentation are significantly influenced by the cost of the raw materials, which accounts for more than half of the
production costs [6]. To achieve a lower production cost, the supply of cheap raw material is thus a necessity [1]. Pineapple waste, is the by-product of the canned pineapple, is a material rich in cellulose,
hemicelluloses, sugar and other carbohydrates. These wastes consist of residual pulp, peels and skin.
Canned pineapple has been one of Thailand’s main exports of canned fruit producer. The annual
availability of these wastes amounts to 0.62 million tons [4]. The mechanical drying of these wastes gave
opportunity to store the substrate all over the year [1].