The mountain with the height from floor area around the hills but there is a difference between 600 m and up. Divided into 5 types
The deflection Mountain caused by the pressure of the magma inside the Earth, or. from the surrounding area get compression parallel.
Making the crust shrinkage occurs as the high mountains of the world will cause a long shaped mountains posing in the trend is almost parallel to each other.
Moving the mountain or the mountain caused by fault of the stone. Causes of subsidence area and the options were deducted, raised up mountains. Cause there are steep mountain sides.
Dome mountain is a mountain that is caused by the pressure of magma, but a solid surface it cooled the Earth first. This mountain with relation to the volcano
A volcano is a mountain that is caused by the formation and melt rocks of the spraying of the caldera.
Lighting makes a cone morphology.