FuzzyWeekendSocksSep 20, 2012
I will obey, O mighty horn'ed fish.
Aug 9, 2012
AudioEntrainmentAug 9, 2012
I know, what a crazy looking fish right?? :)
All Comments
Apr 29, 2014
Michael CisnerosApr 29, 2014
how many times a day
Apr 17, 2014
Jihano DiamondApr 17, 2014
@AudioEntrainment ALL your offerings are MARVELLOUS! Thanks so much:)
Mar 22, 2014
SakysiempreMar 22, 2014
Which is better this audio or higher thought 42??.I want for memory,resolution of the problems,motivation,learn,read.....I hope your answer me.I need your help me,please.Thank you very much
Mar 5, 2014
Pablo Maysonet Taller GuasábaraMar 5, 2014
Gracias infinitas justo lo que buscaba
Aug 30, 2013
Miister00Aug 30, 2013
i know but you will probably experience some paranormal things.
Aug 30, 2013
Luke HorobinAug 30, 2013
It isn't that sort of eye lol.
Aug 19, 2013
Erich SchonrockAug 19, 2013
Thanks for your fast reply. I use the Program for the last week every Morning, and my pain in the lower back is just about gone, plus I am much more alert. Great
Aug 19, 2013
AudioEntrainmentAug 19, 2013
Yes, 20hz is a commonly known "cure all" rife frequency... So pain relief is a possible effect!
Aug 18, 2013
Erich SchonrockAug 18, 2013
Is it possible that the 20hz relives pain?
Aug 16, 2013
apexx scoutAug 16, 2013
Aug 10, 2013
AudioEntrainmentAug 10, 2013
glad you find them beneficial! You're welcome and many blessings!
Aug 10, 2013
oskeywoskeyAug 10, 2013
AudioEntrainment - for some reason, your beats are the most effective for me. Your 16hz one was one I mostly listened to. Now I notice this works for me too. Thank you very much!
Jul 30, 2013
TheEpistemeJul 30, 2013
100 is the mean score, which is not the same as average. Also there is no record of Einstein ever having taken an IQ test, and if he did, he would likely have scored much much higher than 140. 140 is the minimum score required for entry into Mensa. High, but nothing especially extraordinary. Scores also consider age. I think I scored higher than 140 10 years ago, but as my peers caught up with me, I'm probably closer to a high average score for my age.
Jul 23, 2013
Red Pill PhilosophyJul 23, 2013
Is it just me, or are these tones having an effect? lol
May 25, 2013
Miister00May 25, 2013
what do you see different with your third eye open?
May 19, 2013
lucid hawkMay 19, 2013
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
Blown by a blow fish, were you then?
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
And, so what then what is you're intelligence...
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
but 100 is average....!
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
why would you even want to listen if you're 3rd eye is open?
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
100 is the world average, no?
May 15, 2013
Murray FrithMay 15, 2013
118 of what?
May 8, 2013
TheSawJigsawMay 8, 2013
Being ''Intelligent" and "Smart" is not the same
Apr 17, 2013
Wes WolfApr 17, 2013
Very well done i love it
Mar 25, 2013
CroPyrotechnicMar 25, 2013
*standard -miss spelled
Mar 25, 2013
CroPyrotechnicMar 25, 2013
118 is not low for USA, but it is low for other parts of the world. USA probably has the lowest IQ rating. 118 should be about some average for standart sheep that Obediently goes to school and works in some office.
Mar 19, 2013
auggystyleMar 19, 2013
Haha, 118 is not low, it is above average in the USA. The world IQ is actually substantially lower than the USA, and they have shown higher IQ scores equate to higher industrial countries.
Feb 20, 2013
thesmellofpetrolFeb 20, 2013
Whats interesting at this moment right about NOW is that even though my sound is muted i can still hear it
Feb 16, 2013
LUCiFER FRAXiUSFeb 16, 2013
same thing happens to me. i find it pretty intresting its like it resonates forever once ya stop playing it.
Feb 15, 2013
mike42506Feb 15, 2013
why does everything sound soo strange after I play this for a while and then stop? it's like everything is pulsating; I didn't know if that was a good thing or I'm just listening to it too loud, LOL. I listen when I go to the gym so I need it kinda loud to drown out the bad music they play/dumb conversations people have at the gym.
Jan 12, 2013
CroPyrotechnicJan 12, 2013
I can't beleve they are giving wrong informations in USA. Thank you for this information. I am sorry I have to tell you this, but really there is something wrong with USA education system. I would like to stay in contact with you to get more informations (you learn in school) do you have facebook? If yes, send me a message to inbox.
Jan 12, 2013
billy smithJan 12, 2013
Average world IQ is 100 (imagine that.) In America (home) it is 99, prolly 98 by now. I learned in school that einstein had a score of 140
Jan 8, 2013
CroPyrotechnicJan 8, 2013
IQ 118 is very low my friend. It is good if you are from United States, but for normal people, that is very low.
Dec 23, 2012
Brad JohnsonDec 23, 2012
did it work?
Dec 4, 2012
lightersiege worlderDec 4, 2012
the awkward moment when i read horn'ed fish as horney fish
Nov 14, 2012
DJkill4thrillzNov 14, 2012
hey i hope this one works. ive been trying to activate it for a while. im going to use this one a day for 7 days to see if there is a difference. if it works ill share it and use it all the time. floride in the water may suppress it, so im trying to get it back
Nov 10, 2012
Supdude1432Nov 10, 2012
well which is it, asbergers or autism?
Nov 4, 2012
kmwarren25Nov 4, 2012
Ive listened to other binaural beats but this is just painful to listen to.... owwww
Oct 11, 2012
Timothy ElliottOct 11, 2012
FISHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Oct 8, 2012
akira sevenOct 8, 2012
must do what fish say... kill Justin bieber
Oct 7, 2012
AudioEntrainmentOct 7, 2012
It was actually just a total coincidence I used this picture for this audio... Worked out though!
Oct 5, 2012
John TaylorOct 5, 2012
Is it supposed to represent the third eye?
Sep 20, 2012
FuzzyWeekendSocksSep 20, 2012
I will obey, O mighty horn'ed fish.
Aug 9, 2012
NovelSuperheroAug 9, 2012
Nice, also sweet Unicorn fish by way.
Aug 9, 2012
AudioEntrainmentAug 9, 2012
I know, what a crazy looking fish right?? :)
Aug 8, 2012
mastamereAug 8, 2012
Jul 10, 2012
AudioEntrainmentJul 10, 2012
Jul 10, 2012
AudioEntrainmentJul 10, 2012
Thank you!
Jul 10, 2012
gordominatorJul 10, 2012
Well done.
May 30, 2012
TheSpankroftMay 30, 2012
Awesome. Nice and clean. Very quality work good sir
FuzzyWeekendSocksSep 20, 2012ฉันจะฟัง ปลา O horn'ed อันยิ่งใหญ่9 สิงหาคม 2012AudioEntrainmentAug 9, 2012ฉันรู้ อะไรบ้ามองปลาขวา?? :)ความคิดเห็นทั้งหมด29 เม.ย. 2014Michael CisnerosApr 29, 2014จำนวนครั้งวัน17 เม.ย. 2014Jihano DiamondApr 17, 2014@AudioEntrainment MARVELLOUS เสนอทั้งหมดของคุณ ขอบคุณมาก:)22 มี.ค. 2014SakysiempreMar 22, 2014ซึ่งจะดีกว่านี้เสียง หรือสูงกว่าคิดว่า 42 ?? ฉันต้องการสำหรับหน่วยความจำ แก้ไขปัญหา แรงจูงใจ เรียนรู้ อ่าน... ฉันหวังว่าคำตอบของฉัน ต้องให้คุณช่วยฉัน โปรด ขอบคุณมาก5 มี.ค. 2014ปาโบล Maysonet สูง GuasábaraMar 5, 2014Gracias infinitas justo หล่อ que buscaba30 สิงหาคม 2013Miister00Aug 30, 2013ผมรู้ แต่คุณอาจจะพบบางสิ่งอาถรรพณ์30 สิงหาคม 2013ลูกา HorobinAug 30, 2013ไม่เรียงลำดับที่ของตาฮ่า ๆ19 aug, 2013เอริช SchonrockAug 19, 2013ขอบคุณสำหรับการตอบกลับของคุณอย่างรวดเร็ว ใช้โปรแกรมสำหรับทุกเช้า และปวดหลังล่างของฉันหายเกือบสัปดาห์สุดท้าย บวกฉันเตือนมาก ดี 19 aug, 2013AudioEntrainmentAug 19, 2013ใช่ 20hz เป็นที่รู้จักกันโดยทั่วไป "แก้ทั้งหมด" rife ความถี่... เพื่อบรรเทาอาการปวดหลังได้ผลสุด18 สิงหาคม 2013เอริช SchonrockAug 18, 2013เป็นไปได้ว่า 20 เฮิร์ตซ์ relives ปวด16 สิงหาคม 2013apexx scoutAug 16, 2013ขอบคุณ10 สิงหาคม 2013AudioEntrainmentAug 10, 2013ยินดีหาให้เป็นประโยชน์ คุณพรมากและยินดีต้อนรับAug 10, 2013oskeywoskeyAug 10, 2013AudioEntrainment - for some reason, your beats are the most effective for me. Your 16hz one was one I mostly listened to. Now I notice this works for me too. Thank you very much!Jul 30, 2013TheEpistemeJul 30, 2013100 is the mean score, which is not the same as average. Also there is no record of Einstein ever having taken an IQ test, and if he did, he would likely have scored much much higher than 140. 140 is the minimum score required for entry into Mensa. High, but nothing especially extraordinary. Scores also consider age. I think I scored higher than 140 10 years ago, but as my peers caught up with me, I'm probably closer to a high average score for my age.Jul 23, 2013Red Pill PhilosophyJul 23, 2013Is it just me, or are these tones having an effect? lolMay 25, 2013Miister00May 25, 2013what do you see different with your third eye open?May 19, 2013lucid hawkMay 19, 2013UNICORN DESCENDANT! May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013Blown by a blow fish, were you then? May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013And, so what then what is you're intelligence...May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013but 100 is average....! May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013why would you even want to listen if you're 3rd eye is open?May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013100 is the world average, no?May 15, 2013Murray FrithMay 15, 2013118 of what? May 8, 2013TheSawJigsawMay 8, 2013Being ''Intelligent" and "Smart" is not the same Apr 17, 2013Wes WolfApr 17, 2013Very well done i love itMar 25, 2013CroPyrotechnicMar 25, 2013*standard -miss spelledMar 25, 2013CroPyrotechnicMar 25, 2013118 is not low for USA, but it is low for other parts of the world. USA probably has the lowest IQ rating. 118 should be about some average for standart sheep that Obediently goes to school and works in some office.Mar 19, 2013auggystyleMar 19, 2013Haha, 118 is not low, it is above average in the USA. The world IQ is actually substantially lower than the USA, and they have shown higher IQ scores equate to higher industrial countries. Feb 20, 2013thesmellofpetrolFeb 20, 2013Whats interesting at this moment right about NOW is that even though my sound is muted i can still hear itFeb 16, 2013LUCiFER FRAXiUSFeb 16, 2013same thing happens to me. i find it pretty intresting its like it resonates forever once ya stop playing it.Feb 15, 2013mike42506Feb 15, 2013why does everything sound soo strange after I play this for a while and then stop? it's like everything is pulsating; I didn't know if that was a good thing or I'm just listening to it too loud, LOL. I listen when I go to the gym so I need it kinda loud to drown out the bad music they play/dumb conversations people have at the gym.Jan 12, 2013CroPyrotechnicJan 12, 2013I can't beleve they are giving wrong informations in USA. Thank you for this information. I am sorry I have to tell you this, but really there is something wrong with USA education system. I would like to stay in contact with you to get more informations (you learn in school) do you have facebook? If yes, send me a message to inbox.
Jan 12, 2013
billy smithJan 12, 2013
Average world IQ is 100 (imagine that.) In America (home) it is 99, prolly 98 by now. I learned in school that einstein had a score of 140
Jan 8, 2013
CroPyrotechnicJan 8, 2013
IQ 118 is very low my friend. It is good if you are from United States, but for normal people, that is very low.
Dec 23, 2012
Brad JohnsonDec 23, 2012
did it work?
Dec 4, 2012
lightersiege worlderDec 4, 2012
the awkward moment when i read horn'ed fish as horney fish
Nov 14, 2012
DJkill4thrillzNov 14, 2012
hey i hope this one works. ive been trying to activate it for a while. im going to use this one a day for 7 days to see if there is a difference. if it works ill share it and use it all the time. floride in the water may suppress it, so im trying to get it back
Nov 10, 2012
Supdude1432Nov 10, 2012
well which is it, asbergers or autism?
Nov 4, 2012
kmwarren25Nov 4, 2012
Ive listened to other binaural beats but this is just painful to listen to.... owwww
Oct 11, 2012
Timothy ElliottOct 11, 2012
FISHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Oct 8, 2012
akira sevenOct 8, 2012
must do what fish say... kill Justin bieber
Oct 7, 2012
AudioEntrainmentOct 7, 2012
It was actually just a total coincidence I used this picture for this audio... Worked out though!
Oct 5, 2012
John TaylorOct 5, 2012
Is it supposed to represent the third eye?
Sep 20, 2012
FuzzyWeekendSocksSep 20, 2012
I will obey, O mighty horn'ed fish.
Aug 9, 2012
NovelSuperheroAug 9, 2012
Nice, also sweet Unicorn fish by way.
Aug 9, 2012
AudioEntrainmentAug 9, 2012
I know, what a crazy looking fish right?? :)
Aug 8, 2012
mastamereAug 8, 2012
Jul 10, 2012
AudioEntrainmentJul 10, 2012
Jul 10, 2012
AudioEntrainmentJul 10, 2012
Thank you!
Jul 10, 2012
gordominatorJul 10, 2012
Well done.
May 30, 2012
TheSpankroftMay 30, 2012
Awesome. Nice and clean. Very quality work good sir
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