Okra: Out of a total, 36 samples of okra analyzed, 15 were found to be contaminated with the residues of selected OP pesticides. The results of residues detected in vegetable samples collected, from the farm gate arepresented through the Fig 4.2 and Table 4.3. The results ndicated that at raw stage the highest Profenofos residue was found in egg plant were 1.6 mg/kg (ND– 1.6mg /kg); whereas the four samples were contained pesticide residues of Profenofos more than the MRLs and 7(19%) samples of okra were observed to be contaminated with the residues of chlorpyrifos, that the one sample was contained residues of chlorpyrifos exceeded from the MRLs. Five samples of okra found to be contaminated with the residues of Triazophos. The initial data collected n the survey showed that the usage of profenofos was more on the okra crops as compared to that on others. During the survey it was also observed that, in many cases, okra was grown near the cotton field and the farmers used same treatment of insecticide, without differentiating the two crops.