Do I believe in ghosts? The answer to this question is, "how could I not. Growing up I would always like to tell ghosts stories and I loved scaring myself, and my friends, with my elaborately frightening tales. During the younger years of my life though, I didn't really completely believe in ghosts. Around junior high though, some freaky things started happening and my only explanation is the super natural.
My house is very old. It was built in 1914, and a lot of it's furniture and furnishings are antiques. Living in a house with history makes it full of so much character, but recently we've been wondering if some uninvited, but certainly welcome, characters are inhabiting the walls of 367 Bassett road. Throughout the years some strange little things have happened that nobody really thought a lot about. But a couple years ago, something strange and big happened.
My neighbor and I were sitting in my living room chit chatting about normal 14 year old girl things, when we heard an odd drumming noise coming from my kitchen. It was a summer day, so we had all our windows open and figured it was simply the next door neighbor working on some of his usual projects. We went on with our girl talk until suddenly the noise grew intense and we realized it was definitely something inside my house. Figuring it was just the dishwasher or some wacky appliance, we went to see what we could do about it. When I walked into the kitchen, I honestly had to rub my eyes to see if I was seeing things.
There was a lollipop that was being repeatedly banged against my stove top, by what seemed to be no force at all. An invisible hand was hammering out a beat on the stove over and over again and wasn't stopping. Being sucked in with curiosity, I reached for the sucker, it dropped onto the stove and was stilled. My first reaction was shear terror, but then I was calmed and realized that whoever was behin