This research depended on the co-operation of the case studies and we are
grateful to the main contact people and all those who completed
questionnaires, gave interviews or helped in other ways. Particular thanks to:
Aylestone St James Rugby Club: Richard Hickson
Clifton Rugby Club: Sheridan Smith
De Montfort University Rugby Club: Anthony Statham and Chris Phillips
East Midlands Rugby Union: Steve Miles and David Griffiths
Leicester Ladies Hockey Club: Gaynor Nash and Dennis Allum
Clifton Ladies Hockey Club: Val Harding
Leicestershire Schoolgirls Hockey Association: Jo Mould and Wendy Allum
England Hockey Midlands Office: Steve Floyd and Amy Dennis
Avon Riding Centre: Gill Edwards
Springbridge Carriage Driving Centre Group: Linda Cotterill
We also thank the National Governing Bodies and their regional staff,
Rugby Football Union: Carole Thelwall-Jones, CB Volunteer Manager
England Hockey: Jane Nockolds, National Development Manager –
Technical, Volunteers and Officiating
Riding for the Disabled Association: Rebecca Kemp, Development Manager
Finally, thanks to Alice Kwok, on placement at the Institute for Volunteering
Research, for initial work on a literature review; and to Laura Ferguson,
Strategic Development Manager – Volunteering in Sport, Volunteering
England; and Mike Locke, Assistant Director, Institute for Volunteering
Research, for their support; and the Volunteering Hub for financing the
Katharine Gaskin
Gaskin Research and Consultancy
Research Associate, Institute for Volunteering Research
March 2008