After, we placed the seeds in Petri
dishes containing 15 mL of autoclaved
(121oC, 20 min) MS medium, plus 30
g L-1 sucrose, solidified with 2.4 g L-1
Phytagel®, pH adjusted to 5.8. Then, we
incubated the plates in a growth chamber
(25±2oC, 16 h photoperiod, photon flow
density of 30 mmol m-2s-1).
After, we placed the seeds in Petridishes containing 15 mL of autoclaved(121oC, 20 min) MS medium, plus 30g L-1 sucrose, solidified with 2.4 g L-1Phytagel®, pH adjusted to 5.8. Then, weincubated the plates in a growth chamber(25±2oC, 16 h photoperiod, photon flowdensity of 30 mmol m-2s-1).
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