Pilot Study
Prior to the main study, data from 14 catching teams
(precatching animals n = 42,813; final catching animals
n = 173,483) and data from the 2 catching teams of
the main study were collected (Table 3) (team 1: light:
19,781, heavy: 46,627; team 2: light: 31,955, heavy:
For both catching teams enrolled, data were within
the normal range of lesions at the study site and were
thus considered to be representative (Table 3).
Pilot StudyPrior to the main study, data from 14 catching teams(precatching animals n = 42,813; final catching animalsn = 173,483) and data from the 2 catching teams ofthe main study were collected (Table 3) (team 1: light:19,781, heavy: 46,627; team 2: light: 31,955, heavy:57,693).For both catching teams enrolled, data were withinthe normal range of lesions at the study site and werethus considered to be representative (Table 3).Main
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