Study area
Representatives of different types of wastelands was selected, on the basis of original
vegetation, present land use, and soil properties throughout Thailand (Fig. l). This "Wasteland
project" was caried out from 1984 to 1990 academic year by a mixed team from Osaka City
University, Kyoto University, Kochi University, Osaka Kyoiku University, University of
Osaka Prefecture, Shimane University (Japanese team), Kasetsart University, Royal Forest
Department, Department of Land Development, and Forest Industry Organization (Thai
team). Since study area, profile description of the pedons in and out of our sites, and some
physical properties were already described in detail in our previous paper (Sakuru et al.,
1989), the outline of each experimental site will be given below. Information on each site is
described with reference to major soil problem, climate, original vegetation of the area, and
topography, and the tee and crops planted.