As I will be testing PCR which is based on personal opinions a questionnaire is a logical, anonymous
and not too invasive way to get the test participants opinions. Questionnaires can be built
up with open and or closed questionsJensen and Knudsen [2006], depending on the type of data
that best answers the problem statement. Open questions, often used in qualitative questionnaires
or interviews, do not provide the respondent with any answer choices, allowing the respondent to
express their own opinion and explain the answers in their own words. This allows for a greater
variety in the answers as it has not been predened, though this also means the data can become
too varied and dicult to analyse. Open question answers can suer when they have to be typed
up, analysed and categorised in the analysis phase, thus open questions are rarely used in quantitative
questionnaires. Closed questions, or quantitative questionnaires, make it easier to ensure easily
categorised answers, as they tend to provide the respondent with dierent choices for answers. For
closed question, quantitative questionnaires, the questions are commonly multiply choice or ratings
on a scale. For this project a questionnaire with mostly quantitative questions will be most bene-
cial due to the abstract nature of realism, and a need to dene the term in order to analyse the results.