Amongst the thirty three pavilion masters and twenty seven elders, only over a dozen of them were left. But even these dozen of people together wouldn’t possibly be Yun Che’s match. The only person who could battle with Yun Che, Grand Clan Master Fen Yijue, was also bearing heavy injuries. Sadness and despair filled everyone’s hearts, making them unable to rile up even the slightest wisp of will to resist and struggle.
“Yun Che, are you really going to… spare no one!” Fen Yijue said with his teeth grinding.
Yun Che’s expression was overcast. Each and every one of his words was ice-cold: “I have given you chances, and gave you leeway many times… It is you, that once and once again insisted in pressing me to exterminate your clan! Today, all of you will die, and starting tomorrow, there will no longer be a Burning Heaven Clan in this world!”
Yun Che raised his arm, the heavy Dragon Fault pointed at the despairing Fen Yijue as he issued the final judgement.
Fen Yijue took up the Absolute Flame Blade, raised his head up and let out a long sigh: “My Burning Heaven Clan’s thousand years of heritage, was actually ruined in my generation, what face do I have to face my generations of ancestors… Yun Che, my Burning Heaven Clan reaching this current state, is indeed also brought onto us by ourselves, and can not entirely be blamed on you! But the disciples under our clan are entirely innocent, I believe you wouldn’t lay a hand on them either. After we dismiss all of them, we’ll commit suicide ourselves!”
“Heh…” Yun Che coldly laughed; the laughter was so sinister and cold as if it had come from the throat of the devil: “Are your ears deaf! I had just said that today, all of you will die… all of you!! On the day you despicably abducted my family, I had already swore to make your Burning Heaven Clan… turn into a river of blood. Not even a blade of grass will be left!!”
Amongst the thirty three pavilion masters and twenty seven elders, only over a dozen of them were left. But even these dozen of people together wouldn’t possibly be Yun Che’s match. The only person who could battle with Yun Che, Grand Clan Master Fen Yijue, was also bearing heavy injuries. Sadness and despair filled everyone’s hearts, making them unable to rile up even the slightest wisp of will to resist and struggle.“Yun Che, are you really going to… spare no one!” Fen Yijue said with his teeth grinding.Yun Che’s expression was overcast. Each and every one of his words was ice-cold: “I have given you chances, and gave you leeway many times… It is you, that once and once again insisted in pressing me to exterminate your clan! Today, all of you will die, and starting tomorrow, there will no longer be a Burning Heaven Clan in this world!”Yun Che raised his arm, the heavy Dragon Fault pointed at the despairing Fen Yijue as he issued the final judgement.Fen Yijue took up the Absolute Flame Blade, raised his head up and let out a long sigh: “My Burning Heaven Clan’s thousand years of heritage, was actually ruined in my generation, what face do I have to face my generations of ancestors… Yun Che, my Burning Heaven Clan reaching this current state, is indeed also brought onto us by ourselves, and can not entirely be blamed on you! But the disciples under our clan are entirely innocent, I believe you wouldn’t lay a hand on them either. After we dismiss all of them, we’ll commit suicide ourselves!”“Heh…” Yun Che coldly laughed; the laughter was so sinister and cold as if it had come from the throat of the devil: “Are your ears deaf! I had just said that today, all of you will die… all of you!! On the day you despicably abducted my family, I had already swore to make your Burning Heaven Clan… turn into a river of blood. Not even a blade of grass will be left!!”
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