New Features and Functions
Below is a list of new features and functions of the v5.0 GEK Gasifier and related Power Pallet. Explaining the details of each item is too much for one GEKnews, so today we’ll just cover the first and most important topic for most users: 24hr runtime. We’ll step through the remaining topics in a series of GEKnews editions about the v5.0; one a week, for the next few weeks.
1. Longer runtimes (now up to 24 hrs)
Your most consistent request has been for longer run times. At the beginning of this endeavor we though most would just want a few hours runtime for each start. Turns out that most of you want these machines for base load, running all day, or even 24 hrs straight, with once a day cycle maintenance. The new gasifier is redesigned to support this use scenario.
The most tricky aspect of this is a system that can remove charash from the reactor without shutdown or air/gas leaks. Also needed is a solution more clever than a simple bottom taper boot and auger, which adds lots of height to the total system, making hopper filling more difficult.
Shown below is our new constant ash removal system, with 24 hr catch can, which locates outside the frame of the Power Pallet for easy access. Sanitary jaw clamp fittings similarly make it easy to disconnect and empty the ash can. The bolted ash door is finally gone, and in its place just a bucket to empty. Further exploration of the innards at the hearth is via a hand wheel door inspection port.