group of 3 of less, try to find the answers (in Thai) and type in Microsoft Word and send in E-Learning.
1. what is System software?
2. what is OS?
3. what is POST in computer?
4. what is booting?
5. How many types of shutdown option, and what are them?
6. what is virtual memory?
7. what is utility program and what are types of them?
8. explain the step of disk defragmenter.
9. what is virus computer and what are types of them?
10. what is malware?
11. what are Worm, Computer Virus, Trojan Horse and Rootkit?
12. what are symptoms of infected computer?
13. what is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)?
14. what is firewall?
15. what is Passphrase, and give at least 5 examples of Passphrase.
16. what is product activation?
17. what are hardware theft, software theft and information thelf?
18. what are symptoms of computer addiction?
19. what are reason the Web sites use cookies?