2.3.2. Feeding and growthSix 18 h auto-feeder systems were utilized in RAS-C and RAS-O3. During the experiment, fish were fed Ep 3–5 dry pellets (LeGouessant, Brittany, France). Each morning, feed was put into thefeeder at a rate of 2% of the biomass of the fish and the quantityof uneaten feed in the feed trap was estimated on the followingmorning.Growth parameters of the fish were calculated as follows:Specific growth rate (SGR % d−1) = (Ln Wf− Ln Wi) × 100/n.Feed conversion ratio (FCR) = F/(Bf− Bi).Daily feed intake (DFI %) = (F/n)/((Bf+ Bi)/2) × 100.Wiand Wfare the initial and final mean body weights (g), respec-tively; Biand Bfare the initial and final biomasses, respectively; Fis the total feed intake; n is the duration of the experiment (days).