Based on the results, it can be concluded that organic soybean crop or seed production using cow manure
and botanicals (garlic, chili and lemon grass) is feasible but need to be validated if indeed differences
from biodynamic approach. Despite the many parameters that point to organic being most advantageous
over other practices, its seed yield, storability and biomass were also not significant to that of biodynamic
over all. It was the fist time to investigate the effect of biodynamic production practices in the Mekong
Delta but the effect of biodynamic seems to point towards greater benefits considering no fertilizer and
pesticide application. Verifying its effect whether similar or better than organic in soil health and plant
resistance is an encouraging study agenda for the future. Parameters such as seed yields, plant biomass
production effect and the seed performance (like storability) maybe studied while chromatography
analysis maybe further explored.
Further research should be conducted over extended periods and verified on another wet season as well
as during the dry season. This way different status or levels of soil health and fertility could be included.
Other environmental context such as various locations may also be used to establish interaction with the