Hello my dearest sweetheart. I have come to a good limit of my life
Understanding and willing that you be my wife and the mother of my child
Honey I just come back from my travel, with my mum she have some gift for you
Hope you will like it. Dimons wrist watch and jewelries, a leather handbag, and laptop
computer I want to believe that you will accept me and my families
From your heart too as we have accepted you. Please this is what you must do for us as
A family to see the successfulness of our friendship and future. I have a great deal of plan
for you and myself. Honey on the other hand please make a good and generally feasibility
study on this matter. Please as well do not fail to send the follow information to me so I can
tell my mum,as follows are the required information needed. Please send this by massage
to me your full name, house address, hand phone number, and a photo cope of your country IC