A balanced calorie-controlled diet
witha reduced intake of meat and fish is
recommended rather than crash-dieting or
starting a high protein, low carbohydrate
diet since these diets recommend increased
animal protein intake, which contain high
levels of purines that break down to produce
urate. Protein intake should be reduced not
withdrawn, and this can be accomplished by
substituting animal protein with vegetable-rich
sources. Any weight loss programme should
include graduated exercise, as intense workouts
can cause trauma to an affected joint or joints.
Swimming is a good option.
Some alcoholic drinks, particularly beer and
spirits, contain purines, and a reduction in their
consumption is recommended. However, binge
drinking of any type of alcohol can precipitate
a flare of gout. It is therefore important for
patients to have an understanding of their
alcohol consumption and how this may
affect their overall wellbeing and symptoms
of gout. The government’s alcohol guideline
recommends a maximum of three to four units
per day for men and two to three units per
day for women (Department ofHealth 2013),