LP Ngern was born in 2351 B.E. during the reign of King Rama I at Bangklan Village, Pijit Province. His education began at Wat Tongpu (Wat Chanasongkram) in Bangkok where he was also ordained at the age of 20 years. He remained here to practice meditation. During that time Somdej Toh Pra Buddhachan was still living and LP Ngern visited Wat Rakhang on many occasions to pay respect and also learn sacred sciences
The rest is history, Wat Bangklan as it is was then known was built. The official name for this temple is Wat Hirunyaram. LP Ngern passed away in B.E.2462, aged 111 years and having served the Buddhist faith for 90 years. LP Ngern is highly respected even to this day and in particular for his sacred power and amulets.
The Power of his amulets tried to test the claims. In fact it was recorded that a certain individual repeatedly discharged live ammunition towards his 2515 B.E. amulet, and even though at close range was unable to hit the amulet, the bullets were mysteriously deflected by an unknown force. Apparently the bullets even mis-fired causing damage to both the gun and the individuals hands, as a warning to anyone else who wanted to challenge LP Ngern ’s amulet power again.