ackground/purpose: The purpose of this study is to in-
vestigate the optimum combination of polyols and oils in
moisturizing cosmetic products to improve the human skin
moisturization and skin surface roughness. Polyols and oils
are essential ingredients in skin care products, but it is still
not understood how their concentrations affect their efficacy
and sensory properties on human skin. We investigated the
effect of polyol and oil concentration on skin properties by
noninvasive methods.
Methods: The polyols consisted of glycerin and butylenes
glycol in a ratio of 1:1 and the oils consisted of equal parts of
hydrogenated polydecene, cethyl ethylhexanoate and pen-
taerythrityl tetraethylhexanoate. All cosmetic products were
made in O/W emulsions in concentrations ranging from 0%
to 30% for polyols and from 0% to 35% for oils. We
investigated the effect on water content and skin surface
roughness on the forearm after application of the cosmetic
products. The skin water contents were measured by a
CM825 and the skin surface roughness by
visual coring of skin surface biopsies in the scanning
electron micrographs.
Results: In the first study, we found that the water content
of the skin correlated highly with the polyol (up to 30%) and
oil (up to 12%) concentrations, respectively. At two hours
after application, the correlation coefficients were 0.971 and
0.985, respectively (Po0.01). Skin surface roughness not
only showed a strong concentration dependence on polyols
and oils (up to 6%). In the second study, we investigated the
optimum combination of polyols and oils to improve the skin
moisturization and skin surface roughness by the Response
surface methodology. The water content of the skin surface
was high in the ratio of polyol to oil (30:12 and 25:30). The
skin surface roughness was improved considerably in the
ratio of polyols to oil (30:6 and 30:35).
Conclusions: Our results indicated that the skin surface
properties were improved in the different ratios of their
concentrations because they are influenced by not one
ingredient but the interaction between polyols and oils. In
this study, we could recommend the optimum concentration
of polyols and oils to improve the skin surface properties.
Further studies will be performed with other ingredients
such as surfactants, lipids and so on.
ackground/purpose: The purpose of this study is to in-vestigate the optimum combination of polyols and oils inmoisturizing cosmetic products to improve the human skinmoisturization and skin surface roughness. Polyols and oilsare essential ingredients in skin care products, but it is stillnot understood how their concentrations affect their efficacyand sensory properties on human skin. We investigated theeffect of polyol and oil concentration on skin properties bynoninvasive methods.Methods: The polyols consisted of glycerin and butylenesglycol in a ratio of 1:1 and the oils consisted of equal parts ofhydrogenated polydecene, cethyl ethylhexanoate and pen-taerythrityl tetraethylhexanoate. All cosmetic products weremade in O/W emulsions in concentrations ranging from 0%to 30% for polyols and from 0% to 35% for oils. Weinvestigated the effect on water content and skin surfaceroughness on the forearm after application of the cosmeticproducts. The skin water contents were measured by aCorneometersCM825 and the skin surface roughness byvisual coring of skin surface biopsies in the scanningelectron micrographs.Results: In the first study, we found that the water contentof the skin correlated highly with the polyol (up to 30%) andoil (up to 12%) concentrations, respectively. At two hoursafter application, the correlation coefficients were 0.971 and0.985, respectively (Po0.01). Skin surface roughness notonly showed a strong concentration dependence on polyolsand oils (up to 6%). In the second study, we investigated theoptimum combination of polyols and oils to improve the skinmoisturization and skin surface roughness by the Responsesurface methodology. The water content of the skin surfacewas high in the ratio of polyol to oil (30:12 and 25:30). Theskin surface roughness was improved considerably in theratio of polyols to oil (30:6 and 30:35).Conclusions: Our results indicated that the skin surfaceproperties were improved in the different ratios of theirconcentrations because they are influenced by not oneingredient but the interaction between polyols and oils. Inthis study, we could recommend the optimum concentrationof polyols and oils to improve the skin surface properties.Further studies will be performed with other ingredientssuch as surfactants, lipids and so on.
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