In this paper, questions of motivation and learning grammar have been the major
topics. I have analyzed previous findings of the area and been investigating what
students at a Swedish upper secondary school think about motivation and grammar.
To achieve my aims I used a questionnaire that measured learners’ opinions.
Through my research I think that I have been adding some viewpoints to the
questions I started this paper with. My research would be more reliable if there were
more responses. Some of the opinions could have been more specific and clear.
However through the responses I had I think there are some interesting patterns. The
students who were a part of my investigation were generally positive towards
grammar, thought that the teacher-student relationship mattered for learning and
many had a grade as the major source of motivation. Ideas for further research could
be to investigate why some of the students were negative towards grammar. It could
also be interesting to see why some students thought that the student-teacher
relationship did not matter for learning grammar. Another idea that could be
interesting would be to see how teachers can work to inspire inner motivation for
learning English grammar. According to my investigation students learn through
different ways. One area for further investigation could be to what extent teachers
think of this when they do their teaching. Students thought that teacher-talking time
was a good way for them to learn grammar but not for making it interesting. This
could be an interesting extension of my paper, to study if a way that is seen as
interesting is a good way for learning as well