Using a two-way (or Factorial) ANOVA we found that
there was also a significant interaction between gender and
age group on ILW (P 5 .017) (see Table 4). In the elder
group (66e96), the difference between men (19.58) and
women (13.36) was much larger than typical (d 5 1.04).53
Compared to the younger and older age groups, the middle
adult group had the lowest QOL mean scores and the highest
ILW mean scores. Table 4 also shows that there was a significant
mean difference on ILW among the three age
groups. The between group differences by age group for
ILW total scores are significantly different, F(2,
386) 5 4.21, P 5 .016. The middle age group mean ILW
total score (M 5 19.20) was significantly higher than that
of the young adult group (M 5 17.41, P 5 .016, d 5 .36
which is a medium to small effect size).53