The relevant data of different roads are given in Table 2, where the PCU conversion
coefficient, the average occupancy rate, and potential expense, which are pertinent to
different modes, are illustrated in Table 3.
The values of γ 0.15, λ 4 are set for the parameters in 7.1. In this example, the
travelers are divided into two classes: i for the first class, α1 2.5 and β1 0.5 indicate that
this class is sensitive to the travel time; ii for the second class, α2 1.5 and β2 0.5 indicate
that this class is sensitive to the potential expense. The demands of these two classes are all
assumed as 5000/Ph−1.
The convergences of the diagonalization method for the lower-level problem and the
upper-level problem are, respectively, analyzed using the gap measure proposed by Boyce et
al. 45. The gaps at iteration n for the assignment models can be defined as