Abstract. The purpose of this research is making an ordering food application based on Android with New
Order, Order History, Restaurant Profile, Order Status, Tracking Order, and Setting Profile features. The
research method used in this research is water model of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with
following phases: requirement definition, analyzing and determining the features needed in developing
application and making the detail definition of each features, system and software design, designing the flow of
developing application by using storyboard design, user experience design, Unified Modeling Language
(UML) design, and database structure design, implementation an unit testing, making database and translating
the result of designs to programming language code then doing unit testing, integration and System testing,
integrating unit program to one unit system then doing system testing, operation and maintenance, operating
the result of system testing and if any changes and reparations needed then the previous phases could be back.
The result of this research is an ordering food application based on Android for customer and courier user, and
a website for restaurant and admin user. The conclusion of this research is to help customer in making order
easily, to give detail information needed by customer, to help restaurant in receiving order, and to help courier
while doing delivery