In this section, we will consider how to implement a simple database in a P2P network. Let’s begin by describing a centralized version of this simple database, which will simply contain (key, value) pairs. For example, the keys could be social security numbers and the values could be the corresponding human names; in this case, an example key-value pair is (156-45-7081, Johnny Wu). Or the keys could be content names (e.g., names of movies, albums, and software), and the value could be the IP address at which the content is stored; in this case, an example key-value pair is (Led Zeppelin IV, We query the database with a key. If there are one or more key-value pairs in the database that match the query key, the database returns the corresponding values. So, for example, if the database stores social secu-
rity numbers and their corresponding human names, we can query with a specific social security number, and the database returns the name of the human who has that social security number. Or, if the database stores content names and their corresponding IP addresses, we can query with a specific content name, and the databasereturns the IP addresses that store the specific conten