The control patterns and what they're intended for are part of a larger definition of the UI Automation framework, and don't just apply to the accessibility support for a Windows Store app. When you implement a control pattern you should make sure you're implementing it in a way that matches the guidance as documented on MSDN and also in the UI Automation specification. If you're looking for guidance, you can generally use the MSDN topics and won't need to refer to the specification. Guidance for each pattern is documented here: Implementing UI Automation Control Patterns. You'll notice that each topic under this area has an "Implementation Guidelines and Conventions" section and "Required Members" section. The guidance usually refers to specific APIs of the relevant control pattern interface in the Control Pattern Interfaces for Providers reference. Those interfaces are the native/COM interfaces (and their APIs use COM-style syntax). But everything you see there has an equivalent in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Provider namespace.
If you're using the default automation peers and expanding on their behavior, those peers have already been written in conformance to UI Automation guidelines. If they support control patterns, you can rely on that pattern support conforming with guidance at Implementing UI Automation Control Patterns. If a control peer reports that it's representative of a control type defined by UI Automation, then the guidance documented at Supporting UI Automation Control Types has been followed by that peer.
Nevertheless you might need additional guidance for control patterns or control types in order to follow the UI Automation recommendations in your peer implementation. That would be particularly true if you're implementing pattern or control type support that doesn't yet exist as a default implementation in a UWP control. For example, the pattern for annotations isn't implemented in any of the default XAML controls. But you might have an app that uses annotations extensively and therefore you want to surface that functionality to be accessible. For this scenario, your peer should implement IAnnotationProvider and should probably report itself as the Document control type with appropriate properties to indicate that your documents support annotation.
We recommend that you use the guidance that you see for the patterns under Implementing UI Automation Control Patterns or control types under Supporting UI Automation Control Types as orientation and general guidance. You might even try following some of the API links for descriptions and remarks as to the purpose of the APIs. But for syntax specifics that are needed for UWP app programming, find the equivalent API within the Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Provider namespace and use those reference pages for more info.