Yasothon Yasothon travel about 552 kilometers away from Bangkok, travelers can travel to either of Yasothon. Private cars and buses.
From Bangkok by car can go two routes, namely
.- From Bangkok, take Highway No. 1 (Phaholyothin) to Saraburi. Turn right onto Highway 2 (Friendship) via Nakhon Ratchasima, Phimai district to Ban Phai. And turn right onto Highway 23 through the District Borabue.Roi Et, Yasothon province to district Selaphum
.- From Bangkok, take Highway No. 1 (Phaholyothin) to Saraburi. Turn right onto Highway 2 (Friendship) to Nakhon Ratchasima. Turn right on Highway 207 at home to district Prathai measure.202 Phutthaisong district. Phayakkhaphum Phisai district. Wisai district. District Airport.
To Yasothon.
By bus.There are regular bus and Bus Transportation Company Limited and Bangkok of Private - Yasothon. From the Northern Bus Terminal (Mo Chit 2), Kamphaeng Phet 2 Road several times a day. It takes about 8 hours.Transport Company Tel.1490 www.transport.co.th
Current Transport Company Limited has opened a book bus tickets online then contact www.thaiticketmajor.com. You can also purchase tickets online at Ruth Thailand Com