The phenology of the crop was periodically monitored and the developmental stages listed in Table 2. The percentage of plants that reached the reproductive stage was scored by counting plants in 2 m length, three times for each plot. Harvesting was accomplished on 20 June 2010 at seed maturity (seed moisture lower than 90 g/kg). Plant density, plant height and productive characteristics (total above-ground biomass yield, siliculas yield and harvest index) were performed on four randomized sample areas of 1 m2 within each plot for each I. indigotica accession, excluding outer rows. Fresh weight was measured, and plants subsequently allowed to dry into a ventilated oven (40 °C) for dry weight determination. The siliculas and seed yield were determined by harvesting the entire plots (excluding the outer rows) using a reap thresher plot-machine. A clover huller was used to husk the seeds, then, the seeds were cleaned, selected and quantified. Harvest index was calculated as ratio between naked seed and dry matter yield. 1000-seed weight (TSW) was assessed according to ISTA (2005).